Perks System

Perks play a crucial role in defining and enhancing the capabilities of your items, whether they're in-game assets or coveted Digital Collectibles. Understanding how Perks function, their rarities and the distinction between Power and Value Perks can significantly influence your strategic approach to the game. This article overviews the intricate world of Perks, guiding you through their acquisition, functionality, and impact on gameplay.

1. Acquisition of Perks

Perks are bestowed upon items through two primary processes: Crafting and Merging on odd rarities. Each item in BOSS FIGHTERS is eligible for a unique set of possible Perks, with the appearance chances of these Perks varying. The excitement of discovering a Perk on your item is further amplified by the Perk's rarity, which is influenced by the item's resulting rarity post-merge. As you ascend to higher rarities, the likelihood of encountering rarer Perks increases.

2. Power and Value Perks

There are two distinct types of Perks: Power and Value.

Power Perks are the bedrock of both in-game assets and Digital Collectibles, acting as passive bonuses that amplify your character's stats in various ways. Conversely, Value Perks are exclusive to Digital Collectibles and bring an active component to gameplay. Each Value Perk requires the completion of a specific task within a match to activate.


  • A Value Perk on a Striker, which gives a $BFT Token Bonus, comes with a task: "Deal 500 damage to Boss using Striker". This means that the $BFT bonus will be applied at the end of the match only if the task is completed during this match.

3. Functionality and Impact

Perks in BOSS FIGHTERS are not mere static bonuses; they introduce points to the stats they affect. These points accumulate from identical Perks across all items a player possesses, leading to stat increases. This system ensures that every Perk, no matter how small, contributes to your overall strategic advantage.


  • A Legendary Power Perk on a Striker, which gives an All Damage Bonus, comes with 500 points.

  • An Epic Power Perk on a Hook, which gives an All Damage Bonus, comes with 400 points.

  • These two perks together give 900 points to the "All Damage Bonus" stat, which is converted into a certain percentage of bonus damage displayed in the character's parameters.

A table with exact numbers for all stats will be added later.

4. Star Upgrades

Upon Merging items at odd rarities, Perks can receive Star Upgrades, ranging from one to three stars. These upgrades offer a bonus of points, further enhancing the Perk's impact on your character's performance. While stars are a nice bonus, the true potential of odd rarities merge reveals with the possibility of reroling Value Perk challenges/



10 points


25 points


50 points

The table is subject to change with the game's further development.

Perks in BOSS FIGHTERS are dynamic and integral to the game's strategic depth. They allow players to customize and enhance their characters and items to align with their gameplay style and objectives. Whether you're focusing on Power Perks to maximize your character's stats or engaging with Value Perks to unlock the farming potential of your items, the Perks System provides a rich tapestry of possibilities. Embrace the challenge of acquiring and optimizing Perks, and let them guide you to victory in the thrilling battles of BOSS FIGHTERS.

Last updated